The light-weight silk jacquard flower and bud brocade silk satin are the RICHEST and vibrant shade of eggplant purple imaginable. A single baleen bone lines along the back (minimal boning shows it was probably a comfortable, but elaborate evening dinner gown.). There's phenomenally attractive wide bands of re embroidered ivory cream lace that is so crisp and clean! I'm speechless for the words to describe the beauty of the matching silk satin heavy weight bows on the neck and front of the gown, PLUS the AMAZING silk rosette at the rear waist. In the 1880's, there was a craze using mostly straight, flat knife pleats, so the bottom of the elaborately draped skirt with many draped, lace edged tiers, and inside ties to shape the bustle area. There are MANY small pleats at the side skirt bottom. 20 buttons are coppery-rose and silver embossed metal with faceted marcasite centers- stunning
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